
Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation

来源: 树人论文网 浏览次数:296次

Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation杂志中文介绍

作为法国、比利时和瑞士手部手术协会以及法国手部和上肢康复协会,手外科和康复协会(原名Chirugie de la Main)的官方出版物,发表原创文章、法文和英文的文献综述、技术说明和临床病例。它在主要国际数据库(包括Medline)中编入索引。该杂志最初是一个面向法语的手外科医生的平台,现在将以英文出版其许多文章,以更广泛地传播其作者的科学发现。该杂志还包括法语的两年制补充、法国手外科学会的专著,其中提供了手部、周围神经和上肢手术领域的综合评论。

Hand Surgery & Rehabilitation杂志英文介绍

As the official publication of the French, Belgian and Swiss Societies for Surgery of the Hand, as well as of the French Society of Rehabilitation of the Hand & Upper Limb, Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation — formerly named Chirurgie de la Main — publishes original articles, literature reviews, technical notes, and clinical cases in French and in English.It is indexed in the main international databases (including Medline). Initially a platform for French-speaking hand surgeons, the journal will now publish many of its articles in English to disseminate its authors'''' scientific findings more widely.The journal also includes a biannual supplement in French, the monograph of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand, where comprehensive reviews in the fields of hand, peripheral nerve and upper limb surgery are presented.

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