欢迎来到物理老师! TPT发表了关于入门物理教学和当代物理学,应用物理学和物理学史等主题的同行评审论文。 TPT致力于加强各级(包括中学院校)的入门物理教学,提供同行评审的内容和材料,供教室和教学实验室使用。典型的主题包括创新的物理演示,实验室实验的新方法,更清晰地呈现困难概念的想法,在教学中实施新技术的建议,提供丰富物理课程的历史见解,以及在入门物理中实施物理教育研究的想法课堂。每月特刊包括物理挑战解决方案,费米问题和图形物理漫画。作者,在您提交稿件供TPT考虑之前,请查看我们的出版指南。如果您不是(美国物理教师协会(AAPT)的成员,我们强烈建议您加入AAPT以获取我们期刊的个人访问权限。国际会员可享受特价。请访问我们的网站了解有关会员机会的更多信息。
Welcome to The Physics Teacher! TPT publishes peer-reviewed papers on the teaching of introductory physics and on topics such as contemporary physics, applied physics, and the history of physics. Dedicated to strengthening the teaching of introductory physics at all levels, including secondary schools colleges and universities, TPT provides peer-reviewed content and materials to be used in classrooms and instructional laboratories.Typical topics include innovative physics demonstrations, new ways of doing lab experiments, ideas for presenting difficult concepts more clearly, suggestions for implementing newer technology into teaching, giving historical insights that enrich the physics course, and implementing ideas for physics education research in the introductory physics classroom. Special monthly features include Physics Challenge Solutions, Fermi Questions, and Figuring Physics cartoons.Authors, before you submit a manuscript for consideration in TPT, please review our publication guidelines. If you are not a member of the (American Association for Physics Teachers (AAPT), we strongly encourage you to join AAPT to receive personal access to our journals. Special rates are available for international members. Visit us online for more information about membership opportunities.
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