Artificial Life, launched in the fall of 1993, has become the unifying forum for the exchange of scientific information on the study of artificial systems that exhibit the behavioral characteristics of natural living systems, through the synthesis or simulation using computational (software), robotic (hardware), and/or physicochemical (wetware) means. Each issue features cutting-edge research on artificial life that advances the state-of-the-art of our knowledge about various aspects of living systems such as:Artificial chemistry and the origins of lifeSelf-assembly, growth, and developmentSelf-replication and self-repairSystems and synthetic biologyPerception, cognition, and behaviorEmbodiment and enactivismCollective behaviors of swarmsEvolutionary and ecological dynamicsOpen-endedness and creativitySocial organization and cultural evolutionSocietal and technological implicationsPhilosophy and aestheticsApplications to biology, medicine, business, education, or entertainmentThe journal shapes and chronicles the development of artificial life, extending the horizons of biological research beyond life-as-we-know-it and into the domain of life-as-it-could-be.
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