复变函数与椭圆方程是专门研究复变函数与椭圆方程的,包括线性与非线性方程与系统、函数理论方法与应用、函数分析、拓扑与变分方法、谱理论、亚椭圆与亚椭圆方程、多元复分析与李群、齐次空间与cr -流形的分析。《复变函数理论与应用》正式出版。
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations is devoted to complex variables and elliptic equations including linear and nonlinear equations and systems, function theoretical methods and applications, functional analytic, topological and variational methods, spectral theory, sub-elliptic and hypoelliptic equations, multivariable complex analysis and analysis on Lie groups, homogeneous spaces and CR-manifolds. The Journal was formally published as Complex Variables Theory and Application.
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