The Visual Computer publishes articles on all research fields of capturing, recognizing, modelling, analysing and generating shapes and images. It includes image understanding, machine learning for graphics and 3D fabrication.3D ReconstructionComputer AnimationComputational FabricationComputational Geometry Computational Photography Computer Vision for Computer Graphics Data Compression for GraphicsGeometric ModellingGeometric ProcessingHCI and Computer GraphicsHuman ModellingImage AnalysisImage Based Rendering Image ProcessingMachine Learning for GraphicsMedical Imaging Pattern RecognitionPhysically Based ModellingIllumination and Rendering Methods Robotics and VisionSaliency Methods Scientific VisualizationShape and Surface ModellingShape Analysis and Image RetrievalShape MatchingSketch-based ModellingSolid ModellingStylized renderingTexturesVirtual and Augmented RealityVisual AnalyticsVolume RenderingAll papers are subject to thorough review and, if accepted, will be revised accordingly. Original contributions, describing advances in the theory in the above mentioned fields as well as practical results and original applications, are invited.
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