电化学学会杂志(JES)是固态和电化学科学与技术领域的领导者。 这篇由同行评审的期刊每月平均发表400篇文章,共60篇文章。 文章在线发布,电子出版后每月发行一期。 ECS会员福利套餐包括访问该期刊的电子版。 论文由着名的编辑委员会选出,涵盖以下领域:电池和能量转换,腐蚀,钝化和阳极膜,电化学/化学沉积和蚀刻,电化学合成和工程,物理和分析电化学,介电科学和材料,半导体 设备,材料和加工,传感器和显示器:原理,材料和加工,固态主题:概述,综述以上所有领域的论文。
The Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) is the leader in the field of solid-state and electrochemical science and technology. This peer-reviewed journal publishes an average of 400 pages of 60 articles each month. Articles are posted online, with a monthly paper edition following electronic publication. The ECS membership benefits package includes access to the electronic edition of this journal. Papers are selected by a prestigious editorial board and cover the following areas: Batteries and Energy Conversion, Corrosion, Passivation, and Anodic Films, Electrochemical/Chemical Deposition and Etching, Electrochemical Synthesis and Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Dielectric Science and Materials, Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Processing, Sensors and Displays: Principles, Materials, and Processing, Solid-State Topics: General, Review Papers in all of the above areas.
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