玛丽·安·利伯特出版。ISSN: 1096 - 6218。这是一本跨学科的双月刊,主要报道重症和濒死病人的临床、教育、法律和伦理方面的护理。它包括对癌症、艾滋病、心脏病、肺、神经、呼吸系统疾病和其他危及生命的疾病患者的药物和非药物治疗的最新发展。该杂志报道了美国和世界范围内缓和医疗项目的发展以及缓和医疗教育的创新。每一期都包括一个题为“教育发展中心有限公司的最后行动倡议- -临终关怀的革新”的特别章节。
Published by Mary Ann Liebert. ISSN: 1096-6218.This bimonthly interdisciplinary Journal reports on the clinical, educational, legal and ethical aspects of care for seriously ill and dying patients. It includes coverage of the latest developments in drug and non-drug treatments for patients with life-threatening diseases including cancer, AIDS, cardiac disease, pulmonary, neurologic, respiratory conditions and other diseases. The Journal reports on the development of palliative care programs around the U.S. and the world and innovation in palliative care education. A special section entitled Innovations in End-of-Life Care, A Last Acts Initiative at Education Development Center, Inc., is included in each issue.
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