韩国神经外科学会期刊(J Korean Neurosurg Soc)是韩国神经外科学会的官方期刊,双月刊(1月1日、3月、5月、7月、9月、11月)。它于1972年10月31日推出,第一卷和第一册。J Korean Neurosurg Soc旨在让来自世界各地的神经外科医生丰富他们在病人管理、教育、临床或实验研究方面的知识,从而提高他们的专业水平。该杂志出版实验室调查、临床文章、评论文章、病例报告、技术说明和给编辑的信件。我们感兴趣的领域包括临床神经外科(脑血管病、神经肿瘤学、颅底神经外科、脊柱、小儿神经外科、功能神经外科、癫痫、神经创伤和周围神经疾病)和神经科学实验室工作。只接受英文投稿。任何与认可的生物医学机构有关联的作者都可以提交原稿。
The Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (J Korean Neurosurg Soc) is the official journal of the Korean Neurosurgical Society, and published bimonthly (1st day of January, March, May, July, September, and November). It launched in October 31, 1972 with Volume 1 and Number 1. J Korean Neurosurg Soc aims to allow neurosurgeons from around the world to enrich their knowledge of patient management, education, and clinical or experimental research, and hence their professionalism. This journal publishes Laboratory Investigations, Clinical Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Technical Notes, and Letters to the Editor. Our field of interest involves clinical neurosurgery (cerebrovascular disease, neuro-oncology, skull base neurosurgery, spine, pediatric neurosurgery, functional neurosurgery, epilepsy, neuro-trauma, and peripheral nerve disease) and laboratory work in neuroscience. Only contributions written in English will be accepted. Any authors affiliated with an accredited biomedical institution may submit manuscripts.
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