心血管电生理学杂志(JCE)保留其读者 - 包括北美起搏和电生理学会(NASPE)和心脏电生理学会的成员 - 充分了解心律失常疾病研究和管理的最新进展。 JCE由Douglas P. Zipes编辑,是一位杰出的国际编辑委员会,是唯一一本致力于研究心脏和血管电生理学的期刊。
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology (JCE) keeps its readership - which includes members of the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE) and the Cardiac Electrophysiology Society - well informed of the latest developments in the study and management of arrhythmic disorders. Edited by Douglas P. Zipes, M.D., and a distinguished international editorial board, JCE is the only journal devoted to the study of the electrophysiology of the heart and blood vessels.
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