《临床风湿病学杂志》(Journal of Clinical风湿与肌肉骨骼疾病实用报告)是风湿病学家要求的同行评审的双月刊。每一期都包含以临床为导向、易于阅读的格式提供的关于患者护理的实用信息。我们的承诺是及时、相关地报道影响当前实践的主题和问题。我们将每一期都打包成原始文章、案例报告、评论、简要报告、专家评论、致编辑的信函等。在这里,您可以找到棘手的患者管理问题的答案,以及影响您实践的技术进步的最新信息。
The Journal of Clinical Rheumatology? Practical Reports on Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Diseases is the peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal that rheumatologists asked for! Each issue contains practical information on patient care in a clinically oriented, easy-to-read format. Our commitment is to timely, relevant coverage of the topics and issues shaping current practice. We pack each issue with original articles, case reports, reviews, brief reports, expert commentary, letters to the editor, and more. This is where you'll find the answers to tough patient management issues as well as the latest information about technological advances affecting your practice.
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