Herz是所有对心脏病感兴趣的医师接受进一步教育的高级期刊。该杂志的每一期都涉及特定的主题,包括由有能力和受尊敬的作者撰写的英文和德文的评论文章。他们提供了有关该问题所涉及专业的最新和全面的信息。鉴于一个问题相关主题的所有相关方面都被考虑在内,本文概述了心脏病学的现状和进展。关于最新进展和案例报告的贡献使所提供的信息范围更为广泛。作为德国心脏病医师私人执业联合会(Bundesverbandes Niedergelassener Kardiogogen(BNK))的官方机构,Herz还就联合会举办的职业和课程讲习班内容等政治议题提供信息。引自:生物文摘(biosis)-当前内容/临床医学-dimdi-embase/摘录医学-健康之星-医学索引(medline)-科学引文索引(scisearch)。期刊上发表的文章摘要也可以在线查阅。
HERZ is the high-level journal for further education for all physicians interested in cardiology. The individual issues of the journal each deal with specific topics and comprise review articles in English and German written by competent and esteemed authors. They provide up-to-date and comprehensive information concerning the speciality dealt with in the issue. Due to the fact that all relevant aspects of the pertinent topic of an issue are considered an overview of the current status and progress in cardiology is presented. Contributions concerning the latest developments and case reports round off the spectrum of information provided. Being the official organ of the German Federation of Cardiologists in Private Practice [Bundesverbandes Niedergelassener Kardiologen (BNK)] HERZ also informs on political topics concerning the profession and the contents of courses workshops etc. held by the federation. Cited in: Biological Abstracts (Biosis) - Current Contents/Clinical Medicine - DIMDI - EMBASE/Excerpta Medica - Healthstar - Index Medicus (Medline) - Science Citation Index (Scisearch). The abstracts of the articles appearing in the journal are also available online:
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