赫尔戈兰岛长期以来一直是欧洲海洋生物学的堡垒,进行着创新性和开创性的研究。Helgoland Marine Research利用这一卓越声誉,在全球范围内发表了关于海洋和咸水生态系统的最高质量论文。Helgoland欢迎以区域为重点、在全球范围内具有影响和贡献的论文,这些论文描述了物种之间的相互作用以及它们如何驱动海洋生态系统。该杂志由阿尔弗雷德·韦格纳研究所、亥姆霍兹极地和海洋研究中心资助,因此作者无需支付论文处理费。
The island of Helgoland has long been a bastion of marine biology in Europe, producing innovative and ground-breaking research. Helgoland Marine Research applies this reputation for excellence to publish the highest quality papers in marine and brackish water ecosystems across the world. Helgoland welcomes papers that focus regionally, with implications on the global scale and contributions that describe species interactions and how they drive marine ecosystems. The journal is supported by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research so author’s do not have to pay an Article-Processing Charge.
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