《澳大利亚政治学杂志》是一份经过同行评审的学术季刊,涵盖了政治研究和国际关系的广泛领域,包括澳大利亚政治、比较政治、政策研究、政治理论和外交政策。该杂志成立于1966年,原名为《政治学》,1990年更名为《政治学》。它由劳特利奇出版,是澳大利亚政治研究协会的官方期刊。主编是Renee Jeffery和Annika Werner(格里菲斯大学)。
The Australian Journal of Political Science is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers a wide range of fields political studies and international relations, including Australian politics, comparative politics, policy studies, political theory and foreign policy. The journal was established in 1966 as Politics and obtained its current name in 1990. It is published by Routledge and is the official journal of the Australian Political Studies Association. The editors-in-chief are Renee Jeffery and Annika Werner (Griffith University).
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