
Advances in Cognitive Psychology

来源: 树人论文网 浏览次数:151次

Advances in Cognitive Psychology杂志中文介绍

《认知心理学进展》是一本开放获取的期刊,主要致力于知觉、语言处理、注意力、记忆和认知的科学研究。该杂志的广泛焦点包括行为、认知和脑科学。ACP发表实证研究、理论论文和评论。《华尔街日报》偶尔会向审稿人提供撰写评论文章的机会,并定期就人们普遍感兴趣的话题发表特刊。杂志的语言是英语。目前,ACP主要由Scopus、MedLine、PsychINFO、EBSCO、ERIH PLUS、社会科学引文索引、期刊引文报告/社会科学版、当前内容/社会和行为科学等主要文摘服务编制索引。

Advances in Cognitive Psychology杂志英文介绍

Advances in Cognitive Psychology is an open access journal devoted primarily to the scientific study of perception, language processing, attention, memory, and cognition. The journal's broad focus encompasses the behavioral, cognitive, and brain sciences. ACP publishes empirical studies, theoretical papers, and critical reviews. The journal occasionally offers reviewers the possibility to write an opinion letter on a reviewed paper, and regularly publishes special issues on topics of widespread interest. The language of the journal is English. Currently ACP is indexed by major abstracting services including Scopus, MedLine, PsychINFO, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Social Sciences Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences.

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