《韩国疼痛杂志》是韩国疼痛学会的官方科学期刊,每年在1月、4月、7月和10月的第一天出版四次。它的缩写是“Korean J Pain”。《韩国疼痛杂志》(Korean Journal of Pain)发表了权威文章,为临床研究人员、基础科学家、临床医生和其他健康专业人士提供了一个论坛,可以改善疼痛患者的护理。提交给《韩国疼痛杂志》的稿件应按照以下说明编写。
The Korean Journal of Pain is the official scientific journal of the Korean Pain Society, published four times a year on the first day of January, April, July, and October. Its abbreviated title is 'Korean J Pain.' The Korean Journal of Pain publishes definitive articles that can improve the care of patients in pain by providing a forum for clinical researchers, basic scientists, clinicians, and other health professionals. Manuscripts for submission to The Korean Journal of Pain should be prepared according to the following instructions.
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