范德比尔特法律评论是范德比尔特大学法学院的旗舰学术期刊。《法律评论》每年出版6次,根据文章被引用的次数,《法律评论》在一般性法律评论中排名第20位。《范德比尔特法律评论》中出现的[2]文章被最高法院、所有13个联邦巡回上诉法院以及数百个其他法律评论和期刊引用。[3]中国英语学习网《范德比尔特法律评论》于2008年推出了范德比尔特法律评论在线版。[4] En Banc出版关于最高法院案件的简短专题讨论会,对《范德比尔特法律评论》文章的回应,书评和评论,以及关于法律学术发展主题的短文。《范德比尔特法律评论》现任主编布里安娜·菲利普斯。
The Vanderbilt Law Review is the flagship academic journal of Vanderbilt University Law School. The law review, which is published six times per year,[1] is ranked twentieth among general-topic law reviews based upon the number of times its articles are cited.[2] Articles appearing in the Vanderbilt Law Review have been cited by the Supreme Court, all thirteen federal circuit courts of appeal, and hundreds of other law reviews and journals.[3] In 2008, the Vanderbilt Law Review launched Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc, an online companion to the law review.[4] En Banc publishes short symposia on Supreme Court cases, responses to articles in the Vanderbilt Law Review, book reviews and comments, and shorter essays on developing topics in legal scholarship. The current editor in chief of the Vanderbilt Law Review is Breanna Philips.
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