商业过程管理杂志是一个同行评审的学术期刊,涵盖了质量管理领域。主编为Majed Al-Mashari(沙特国王大学)。《企业流程再造与管理》杂志创办于1995年,1997年更名为《企业流程再造与管理》。由翡翠集团出版。日志在DIALOG、Inspec、ProQuest数据库和Scopus中进行抽象和索引。
The Business Process Management Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of quality management. The editor-in-chief is Majed Al-Mashari (King Saud University). The journal was established in 1995 as the Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal and obtained its current title in 1997. It is published by Emerald Group Publishing. The journal is abstracted and indexed in DIALOG, Inspec, ProQuest databases, and Scopus.
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