《人格与社会心理学杂志》是由美国心理学协会于1965年出版的月刊,由同行评审。它涵盖了社会心理学和人格心理学领域。主编是北山信武(密歇根大学;态度和社会认知科),嘉里川上(约克大学;人际关系及小组处理组)及M. Lynne Cooper(密苏里大学;人格过程和个体差异部分)。
The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Psychological Association that was established in 1965. It covers the fields of social and personality psychology. The editors-in-chief are Shinobu Kitayama (University of Michigan; Attitudes and Social Cognition Section), Kerry Kawakami (York University; Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes Section), and M. Lynne Cooper (University of Missouri; Personality Processes and Individual Differences Section).
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